32nd Legislative District Democratic Organization

Remote Reorganization Meeting, December 9, 2020

Call to Order by Temporary Chair
Pledge of Allegiance
Credential Committee Report
Adoption of the Agenda and Rules (PCO only vote)
Discussion of Reorganization Procedures
Overview of Election Process
Election of Initial Officers (PCO only vote)
  • Chair
  • 1st Vice Chair
  • 2nd Vice Chair
  • Representative to the KCDCC Executive Board (1)
  • Representative to the KCDCC Executive Board (2)
  • Alternate to the KCDCC Executive Board (1)
  • Alternate to the KCDCC Executive Board (2)
  • Representative to the SCDCC Executive Board (1)
  • Representative to the SCDCC Executive Board (2)
  • Alternate to the SCDCC Executive Board (1)
  • Alternate to the SCDCC Executive Board (2)
  • State Committee member (1)
  • State Committee member (2)
Election of Additional Officers
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
Ratification of Appointed Officers
Old Business
New Business
PCO Appointments
Announcement of next meeting date
Good of the Order

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Proposed Bylaws Amendment

Section 3.2 General Members


Any other person registered to vote in the 32nd Legislative District, who publicly identifies as a Democrat, may become a General Member of this organization upon payment of dues, or upon waiver of dues by the District Chair.


General Members shall be eligible to vote and run for office as specified by these bylaws 28 days after payment or waiver of dues; provided, however, that those who were members during the previous year shall be eligible to vote immediately upon payment of dues during the first quarter of the current year.


All elected officials serving in the Washington State Legislature, or the United States Congress, or in any statewide office in Washington State, who reside in the 32nd Legislative District and identify as Democrats, shall be General Members of this organization.

Section 3.4 Dues

Annual dues shall cover a calendar year be set by the membership and shall include a limited-income dues structure to be prescribed by a Standing Rule.

Article IV – Officers, Executive Board, and Committees

Section 4.6 Committees


The Chair shall serve as an ex officio voting member of all committees, including the following Standing Committees:

  • Membership
  • Programs
  • Legislative Action
  • District Campaigns Endorsements
  • Communications
  • Community Service
  • Fundraising
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Young Democrats
  • Resolutions
  • Technology

Article XIV – Parliamentary Authority

The affairs and meetings of this organization shall, except as specifically provided by its Bylaws or Standing Rules, or by bylaws or rules of the KCDCC or SCDCC, be governed by the latest 12th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

Reorganization Meetings

The Bylaws of the Washington State Democratic Party require all County and Legislative District Parties to reorganize in the December or January following an even-year general election. At a Reorganization Meeting, Precinct Committee Officers elected during the most recent primary elect a new Chair, new Vice Chairs, and new State Committee members for the organization. Other officers may be elected and additional party business may be conducted. Newly elected State Committee members will meet in the last weekend of January to reorganize the State Party.

If you are an elected PCO, you are encouraged to attend both your County and Legislative District reorganization meetings. If you have questions about how your reorganization meeting will be run, read our Reorganization FAQ.

  • King County Reorganization Meeting: Saturday, December 5th, 2020
  • Snohomish County Reorganization Meeting: Saturday, December 12th, 2020
  • Washington State Democrats Reorganization Meeting: January, 2021

Below are generic proposed Reorganization Rules. The 32nd Bylaws and Rules Committee will be meeting this month to review the 32nd Bylaws, Rules and Agenda for updates and/or additions. If you are interested in participating on the Committee, please email Carin Chase.

Eligible Voters

At the reorganization meeting only Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) elected during the primary election on August 4, 2020 (including any PCOs who were the only candidate to file in their precinct, and were elected without appearing on a ballot) are allowed to vote for the Chair, 1st Vice Chair, State Committeewoman, State Committeeman, and any representative the central committee is authorized to send to other Party organizations, as well as on the adoption or amendment of bylaws.

Eligible voters in elections for other leadership positions and issues are determined by local bylaws (or the rules passed for the reorganization meeting, if local bylaws do not specify.) Proxies are not permitted at reorganization meetings.

Reorganization Rules and Procedures

  1. Sign-in is required at check-in.
  2. Eligible voters shall be limited to PCOs elected during the August 4, 2020 Primary (including any PCOs who were elected without appearing on a ballot because they were the only person to file in their precincts).
    • Eligible voters will be issued ballots.
    • A 50% + 1 majority vote of members present and voting is necessary to approve any vote unless otherwise noted.
  3. The meeting shall be called to order by the Temporary Chair.
    • The Temporary Chair shall preside until the election of the new Chair.
  4. Election of officers shall proceed in the order as provided in the Bylaws and Standing Rules (as shown in the agenda).

Process for nominating and electing all positions shall be as described in Standing Rule 1: Election Procedures.

Eligibility of officers as described in Bylaws Article 4 – Officers, Executive Board, and Committees.


6:30 PM Sign In

7:00 Call to Order by Hillary Moralez, Snohomish County Chair, who will be serving as Temporary ReOrg Chair. Julie Anne Kempf, 46th LD Chair, will serve as Temporary ReOrg Parliamentarian and will help with the tally.

7:02 Land Acknowledgment by Cathy Baylor, Chair
Federation of Democratic Women, Salish Sea Chapter

7:04 Pledge of Allegiance

7:06 Credentials Report: 55 eligible PCOs

7:07 Elected Officials Attending
Representatives Cindy Ryu and Lauren Davis; Edmonds City Council President Adrienne Fraley-Monillas; Shoreline Deputy Mayor Keith Scully; Shoreline Council Members Doris McConnell and Chris Roberts; Edmonds School Board President Deborah Kilgore; Edmonds School Board Member Carin Chase; and Shoreline School Board President Meghan Jernigan.

7:20 Adoption of Agenda and the Rules, M/S/C, Adopted

7:22 Overview of Election Process, explained by Chair Moralez and Raphael Baltuth, 32nd LD Technology

7:28 Election of 32nd LD Chair
Chris Roberts, nominated by Alan Charnley, seconded and accepts
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

7:35 Chris Roberts takes over as Chair

7:36 Election of 32nd LD 1st Vice-Chair (Snohomish County)
Jenna Nand, nominated by Marylou Eckart, seconded and accepts
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

7:40 Election of 32nd LD 2nd Vice-Chair (King County)
Lillian Hawkins, nominated by Carin Chase, seconded and accepts
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

7:45 Election of King County Democrats Central Committee Representative
Dean Fournier, nominated by Janet Way, seconded and accepts
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

7:53 Election of King County Democrats Central Committee Alternate
Carolyn Ahlgreen, nominated by Janet Way, seconded and accepts
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

7:56 Election of Snohomish County Democrats Central Committee Representatives
• Robert Petersen (he, him pronouns), nominated by Gray Petersen, seconded and accepts
• Marilyn Hannan (she, her pronouns), nominated by Liz Brown, seconded and accepts
• Rosamaria Graziani (she, her pronouns), nominated by Jenna Nand, seconded and accepts
• Colin Cole (he, him pronouns), nominated by Colin Cole, seconded and accepts
• Ted Hikel (he, him pronouns), nominated by Janet Way, seconded and accepts

M/S/C - rule waived
The rule that candidates (Petersen and Graziani) must be PCOs is waived, unanimously.

M/S/C, Elected by ballot
Rosamaria Graziani
Robert Petersen

9:03 Election of Snohomish County Democrats Central Committee Alternates
• Colin Cole (he, him pronouns), nominated by Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, seconded and accepts
• Lael White (she, her pronouns), nominated by Tom White, seconded and accepts
• Marilyn Hannan (she, her pronouns), nominated by Gray Petersen, seconded and accepts

M/S/C, elected by acclamation
Colin Cole

M/S/C, Elected by ballot
Lael White

9:15 Election of WA State Democrats Central Committee Member
Alan Charnley, nominated by Jenna Nand, seconded and accepts
Carin Chase, nominated by Gray Petersen, seconded and accepts

M/S/C, elected by acclamation
Alan Charnley

M/S/C, elected by acclamation
Carin Chase

9:18 Election of 32nd LD Treasurer
Eric Valpey, nominated by Carin Chase, seconded and accepts
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

9:20 Election of 32nd LD Secretary
Sally Soriano, nominated by Carin Chase, seconded and accepts
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

9:23 Ratification of Appointed Officers, Need Membership Approval
Lael White, recommended by Chair, Chris Roberts, to be Membership Chair
M/S/C, elected by acclamation

Other Appointed Officer Positions in the Bylaws are:
Bylaws and Rules, Communications, Community Service, Correspondence, District Campaigns, Diversity and Inclusion, Endorsement Committee, Environmental Caucus, Fundraising, Homeless Issues Caucus, Labor Liaison, Legislative Action, Parliamentarian, Programs Coordinator, Resolutions, Seniors Issues Advocate, Sergeant at Arms, Technology, Young Democrats.

If you would like to be appointed to one of these positions or know someone who would be really good serving in one of these positions, please contact the chair or someone on the executive board.

9:27 New Business
Proposed Bylaw Changes
1. Changes in the timing when dues are paid, Sec. 3.4. If you have been a member the previous year, you are eligible to vote immediately upon paying your dues.
2. On the Executive Committee, District Campaign Chair will no longer be voting member; Endorsement Chair will now become a voting member.
3. Specifies which version of Roberts Rules of Order the Membership body will use because the bylaws currently do not cover this amendment.

Liz Brown: I make a motion to approve the bylaw changes, Seconded.

Marylou Eckart: Speaking against the motion, I want to remove the change in Section 3.4 and amend. Seconded.
I want to keep the dues to be paid by the membership within one calendar year. In my experience, I found it hard for people to remember when they paid their dues. By keeping January as the month when all dues are to be paid, it will be easier to both remind everyone, and for everyone to easily remember, that they have paid their dues for the year.

Derek Fike: Speaking against the motion.
As a new person who got involved in the 32nd recently, my membership paid in August would then actually be good for zero meetings. I thought I was signing up to pay for 365 days from August to August.

Janet Way: Speaking for the amendment.
Marylou was Membership Chair for years and has vast experience with what would be the easiest and most efficient timeline for people to pay their dues. I would, however, be interested in hearing someone comment on what Derek just said and how new people in the middle of the year, might be able to pay only partial dues for the remaining months of the year.

Eric Valpey, Treasurer: Quick discussion
Currently we do operate on somewhat of an annual basis. Anytime you pay during the year, we make your voting window a 13-month period of time. The way we do this is that we look at folks who have paid dues in the last calendar year.

Marylou Eckart: Point of information
If you have an issue about your dues, you can always talk with the Membership Chair about correcting the problem.

Dean Fourier: Question
At one time we changed our bylaws to include members who were too young to vote. I don't see that provision here. Did it get left out?

Chris Roberts, Chair:
We'll have to check into that.

Chris Roberts, Chair:
If you want to keep the words "shall cover a calendar year and" vote "yes"; if you are not in favor, vote "no".

M/S/C - a majority voted to keep the words, "shall cover a calendar year"; 19 yes; 10 no; amendment passes

Chris Roberts, Chair:
Any further discussion about the amended bylaws as proposed?

Lael White and Dean Fournier:
The sentence needs two commas: Shall cover a calendar year, be set by the membership,

M/S/C - Bylaw amendments as amended, are adopted, unanimously

  1. 32nd LD Representative Nomination
    Chris Roberts, Chair:
    Over the summer, 32nd LD PCOs nominated Shirley Sutton for State Representative, Position 1. We now need to nominate the winner of the election, State Representative, Cindy Ryu.

Carol McMahon: I make a motion that we nominate Cindy Ryu. Seconded.

Question, Michael Brunson: What are we trying to do here, re-write history?

Chris Roberts, Chair: This is not about endorsements. It is about nominations. Under the State Constitution, if a position is vacated and the person holding that position was nominated by the LD, then the LD can send three names to the County Councils, from which they will choose to fill the vacancy.

Julie Anne Kempf: In this process, Democrats nominate Democratic Party candidates. Prior to the top-two primary, it was a more obvious process. We are retaining the right to nominate Democrats.

Chris Roberts, Chair: Speakers for and against:

Carol McMahon: For all the reason you have identified, I think we should vote "yes".

David Crow: I would like to speak against this. Cindy Ryu, in Shoreline, has always not represented working class interests but and has always represented the business class. Once again, here's yet another example of how the Democratic Party discusses minutia and when it should be discussing the eviction crisis, rent crisis and the financial crisis which is destroying lives. This seems totally arcane.

Ted Hikel: This is to protect the 32nd LD organization to allow us to send names if there is a vacancy in the position. This has nothing to do whether we are friends or not or are neutral about the nominee. It has to do with protecting our rights as an LD to control the names going forward.

Chris Roberts, Chair: This is a PCO only vote.

M/S/C - vote passes by 24 votes "yes" and 2 votes "no"

  1. PCO Appointments
    • Chris, Chair: We have an application for a PCO appointment for Megan Atkins, LYNNWOOD 34 (Meadowdale).

Ted Hikel: It is my understanding that LYNNWOOD 34 is in the 21st LD.

Carol McMahon: I move that no matter whether Megan is in the 32nd LD or 21st LD I would like to make a motion for a vote of confidence, Seconded.
Carin Chase: I amend the motion: Megan is an Associate Member of the 32nd LD.
M/S/C - vote passes by 30 "yes" - 1 "abstention" - 0 "no"

• Jerry Cronk, application for an Acting PCO appointment for SHL 1101
M/S/C - vote passes by 32 "yes" votes

• Annette Ademasu, 32nd LD will vote on this Acting PCO appointment in our January meeting.

10:00 Good-of-the-Order
Robert Petersen: I want to thank the body for their confidence in me and thank my opponents that ran a good clean race.

Eric Valpey: What would be most helpful to the 32nd Treasury would be for you to follow this link in the chat and contribute monthly -- $5-10 bucks a month. It will make a big difference when we need to do mailers and printing in election season!

Jenna Nand: I wanted to thank everyone who supported me to become 1st Vice-Chair. And I also want to bring up the issue of racism that was talked about at our last meeting. I want to make sure that as an organization, we are not just talking the talk but we are actually walking the walk. So if you ever feel this is an issue, if you feel discriminated against, or have been made to feel uncomfortable, my door is always open, please contact me (jenna.nand@32democrats.org). Our e-board will be taking addressing these issues very seriously.

Gray Petersen: We have a Reorg meeting in Snohomish County this weekend and I am running for Snohomish County Chair. I would appreciate your support!

Michael Brunson: I am hoping the Zoom calls will be clearly advertised on our 32nd LD website and will also clearly state the telephone number as well as the computer link. These are public meetings and we want everyone to feel welcome. If you want to get the call-in number, contact the public library reference librarian at: 800-462-9600. When the 32nd LD is just emailing the meeting information to people, it looks like it is an invitation only meeting.
Chris, Chair, response: Thank you Michael for raising this important issue. I will talk with the Exec. Board about how we send out notifications --- we definitely want to make these meetings available to everyone. Zoom is a valuable tool and I think we will be using it into the future.

Lael White: I want to thank everyone for their support, and I especially want to thank Julie Ann Kempf from the 46th for hanging here with us for so long tonight as our parliamentarian.

Raphael Baltuth: I want to second what Michael Brunson said because I was initially locked out of this meeting due to trying to access it through a web browser. I believe that we should not require the use proprietary software to access these meetings.

Alan Charnley: Thank you for your support. Please think about donating to our 32nd LD so we can buy our own Zoom account and not have to rely on other Democratic Party organizations for their Zoom accounts. I look forward to working with all of you and if you want to talk to me about state issues, feel free to email me (alan.charnley@32democrats.org).

Carin Chase: Thank you for sticking with this meeting so long tonight and thanks for your confidence in re-electing. I'd also like to bring it to your attention that tomorrow is Human Right's Day and there is an excellent video by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner of Human Rights (2 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nY2NrJLIlk

I think the 32nd has done a good job on issues of human rights, as have other districts. I also want to share that a longtime member of the 32nd, prior to redistricting, John Foy, has passed on. We will be doing a celebration of his life, so if you have pictures or memories you would like to share, please contact me (carinchase@gmail.com) or Maralyn Chase (maralynchase@gmail.com)

Jeanne Monger: I just wanted to say thank you Alan for doing such a great job as Chair! And thank you Chris for stepping now and for all the other officers who have stepped up as well.

10:30 Chris Roberts, Chair: Without objection, we are adjourned.

Next Meeting, Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Respectfully submitted,
Sally Soriano, 32nd LD Secretary