32nd Legislative District Democratic Organization
Minutes of Regular Monthly Meeting, October 10, 2018
at the Richmond Masonic Center
Following a delicious, complete, tortilla-based dinner prepared by Rosamaria Graziani’s volunteer crew and made available to all comers (for free will contributions), and about 25 minutes of “open mic” time for any and all to express briefly their views, concerns, and announcements, the meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm by District Chair Carin Chase. After opening with the Pledge of Allegiance, M/S/C to adopt the agenda as proposed. M/S/C to approve the minutes of our last meeting, that of September 12, 2018.
Program: Two guest speakers
After recognition of various elected officials and a few candidates who were present, Congressmember Rick Larsen (CD2) spoke on several Washington state races and selected national issues, including the importance of taking allegations of sexual molestation seriously, and Pres. Trump’s execrable immigration policy. During the ensuing Q&A he spoke of the need to enforce the U.S. Constitution’s “emoluments” clause against this President, and endorsed the current security of voting and vote counting throughout the U.S.
We next heard from Andrew Villeneuve, founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, who discussed Washington’s initiative process in the historical context of (1) the nationwide “Progressive” movement’s long-standing promotion of holding public votes on specific major issues, as a key aspect of political reform, and (2) Washington’s very own, not-so-progressive initiative promoter, Tim Eyman. Andrew then gave a brief rundown of certain statewide measures that will appear on our upcoming November ballot; namely, Initiatives 1631, 1639, 940, and 1634, and “Advisory Vote” #19 (most of which our LD has already taken a formal position on). Further information on all such matters can be found on his/NWPI’s blog, “The Cascadia Advocate.”
Ballot Measures
Following a break, Shoreline City Councilmember Keith Scully spoke on behalf of Shoreline Proposition 1, a proposed “sales and use” tax that would supplement an existing car tab tax in order to provide for 4 miles of new sidewalks, and potentially up to 10-20 more miles later. Ridgecrest resident Dustin McIntyre spoke against the proposal. M/S that we endorse a “YES” vote thereon. Following remarks by Debbie Viertel in favor of the proposal, and by Janet Way against it, the motion failed by a 16-17 vote – 60% being required for an endorsement of either position.
M/S to endorse a “YES” vote on Initiative 1634. Following at least three speakers in favor and three opposed (in alternation), M/S/C to close debate – whereupon the motion to endorse I-1634 failed by a vote of 8-30. M/S/C (33-8) that we recommend a “NO” vote on I-1634.
Sally Soriano explained Seattle Proposition 1, a “Families, Education and Preschool Promise” Levy, about which she had prepared and distributed a lengthy handout detailing its principal flaw(s). M/S that we take a position opposing the measure. Following speakers pro and con, it was voted (33-3) to oppose Seattle Prop 1.
M/S/C that we support the “Maintain” position on (statewide) Advisory Vote #19.
Other Business and Announcements
Treasurer Eric Valpey reported a bank balance of $1444, slightly lower than we’d expected at this point – attributable at least in part to our 2018 LD caucus having produced less revenue than expected.
Our upcoming biennial reorganization will be held on December 12.
PCO appointments: M/S/C to approve the appointment of Jacqueline Powers as the PCO for precinct SHL 32-0470. M/S/C to approve the appointment of Lael White as Acting PCO for MLT 10.
Rebecca Wolfe thanked us for our help in her campaign for a position on the Snoco PUD.
It was announced that Congressmember Pramila Jayapal (CD-7) will be appearing at an event with Senator Chase on Tuesday, October 23.
M/S/C to adjourn, at 9:35 pm.
Prepared and submitted by Dean Fournier, LD32 Secretary